Tips, Hacks and Workarounds

by Jorge Pego
If something will go wrong, I will not be responsible for that.
Try those instructions at your own risk.

How to remove "Network communication" from battery consumption and decrease energy consumption

Mount in file manager system partition with write access. Remove from the /system /app TelephonyProvider.apk, VoiceDialer.apk (voice dialing, is not needed) and last Phone.apk. Reboot. Clean up the tracks with the help of SDMaid (use the fourth stick "Corpse finder")

How to solve wi-fi shutdown?

Install Advanced Wifi Lock. This app forces wifi to stay connected when the screen is turned off.

Keyboard crashes in keyboard settings

Mount a file manager system partition with write access, then remove from the /system /app PinyinIME.apk and then reboot

Market force-close (android 2.3.4 1.1rc1 bug)

Make sure you have the device 'rooted'. Uninstall market updates. Use File Explorer (or similar) , and mount your system folder as r/w. Delete files 'AndroidMarket_v3_16.apk' and 'MarketUpdater.apk' from /system/app. Clear dalvik cache (clean folder /data/dalvik-caсhe). Reboot. Done, old Market 2.1 restored.

(Credits to synergy84 and stanner)